In CABportal, a user can earn points, progress through levels, and earn credibility on the website.
This points system is used to incentivize users to interact with the portal and motivate them to contribute to the site.
Websites can often become outdated, and CABPortal is a useful site for important educational projects and events.
CAB can be self-sustaining with the help of systems like this one which encourage users to continue to use the site and keep it active.
Users can earn points by adding projects to CABPortal. Adding a project to the site will give a user 100 points. All users start at a user level of 1, and can gain level by gaining points. Those first 100 points from adding a project will increase a user's level from 1 to 2, and as the user continues to gain more points their level will increase. Users who have more points and a higher level than others will have their projects be more visible to other users of the portal.