1. What Is a Moderator and How Can I Become One?:

  On CABPortal, you can become a moderator by permission from one of our admins. An admin might reach out to you, or you can reach out to one of them, in order to request to become a moderator on CAB. Our moderators are all taken in on a volunteer basis which means that this is not a payed job. By being a moderator, you are helping support the website and keeping it a safer place for all users.

2. What can a moderator do?:

  A moderator can delete, report, and approve projects and reviews on CABPortal as well as delete publications and citations. The goal of moderators is to use these tools in order to remove, report, or approve different user created content on the website. It’s possible that some users might add new content to the website that goes against our rules and regulations for the website, and so this content needs to be removed swiftly before it’s exposed to our viewers. The rules and regulations for our website have solely been created in order to protect our viewers, prevent illegal or malicious material from being uploaded, and maintain a consistent quality standard for our organization.

3. What Are Our Rules and Regulations on CABPortal?:

1) Do not post any NSFW or malicious content to our website
2) Do not post content to our website unrelated to the intention of the specific category. (As an example, do not post an ad for a sale at a clothing store in projects)
3) Do not use profanities or swears within any posted content
4) Do not post or spam, meaningless, or void content to our website
5) Please be respectful towards other users on the website
6) Please respect the authority of moderators and admins on the website
7) If you have any issues or concerns with anything regarding the website, or current user submitted content on the website, please email a moderator or admin.
8) A failure to follow one of these rules might result in a suspension or deactivation of your account
9) Please credit content that may not be yours in regards to projects and events.