CAB Resources

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Self Assessment for CS

Copy of student's survey for 2013 in regards to personal skills learned for computer science students.

CABECT Collaboration Midterm Assessment

Copy of student's survey for 2013 in regards to their collaboration experience. Student's responses will be aggregated, anonymized, and shared with Professors Pulimood and Pearson to evaluate the process of collaborating across classes.

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Self Assessment for JPW

Copy of student's survey for 2013 in regards to personal skills learned for journalism students.

SIGCSE Workshop Slides

Slide deck detailing the contents of the CABECT Workshop. The slides contain information concerning the hypothesis of the CABECT grant, goals of the research, artifacts that have been produced, and the results of our pilot project: SOAP.

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Social Media Technology Conference and Workshop Slides

Slide deck detailing the contents of the CABECT Workshop - contains information concerning the hypothesis of the CABECT grant, goals of the research, artifacts that have been produced, and the results of our pilot project: SOAP.

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